Aug 10, 2024SummarizerSlack app that helps users save time by summarizing messages/conversations in slack channels.Click to see details →
Jul 20, 2024Second Chance StylesOnline thrift store with its own API and web application.Click to see details →
Jul 16, 2024Social SyncGoDaddy internal social page revamped to improve customer's social media presence.Click to see details →
Oct 29, 2023NeurlHardware glove and mobile app that assists in rehabilitation of the hand after nerve damage.Click to see details →
Apr 19, 2023RespondentCross platform mobile app that streamlines the workload and emergency system for university EMTs.Click to see details →
Oct 17, 2022SecurifyChrome extension that flags suspected phishing or scam messages in gmail.Click to see details →